Wealth Of Knowledge: Gabelli Funds

Wealth of Knowledge is a video series by Worth covering leaders from financial experts to entrepreneurs, with each episode featuring a member of the Worth community. In this Wealth of Knowledge episode, Worth Chairman Jim McCann sits down with Gabelli Funds Founder and Chief Investment Officer Mario Gabelli to discuss his history, his approach to work and philanthropy, and his advice to the next generation. … Mario J. Gabelli is the Chief Investment Officer at Gabelli Funds. This interview was created for Worth Media Group’s Wealth of Knowledge Series, which was filmed October 18th, 2023. The discussion presented is based on information we believe to be accurate as of the date of preparation and represents the opinions of the Portfolio Manager as of the date thereof and is not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, or investment advice. We do not intend this discussion to be a complete description of any security or company nor is it an offer to sell any security or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security. GAMCO Investors, Inc. or its affiliates, on behalf of their investment advisory clients or otherwise, may be beneficial owners of securities of the companies referenced herein. For more information visit our website at: www.gabelli.com or call: 800-GABELLI
Partner content / Gabelli Funds