Frank Chi is a Los Angeles and New York City-based filmmaker and activist renowned for crafting narratives that drive social justice and inclusion. His work includes the critically acclaimed HBO original documentary, “38 at the Garden,” which delves into NBA player Jeremy Lin’s iconic “Linsanity” run. The film has won a Sports Emmy and was shortlisted for an Academy Award. Frank also gained recognition for his contribution to the “Notorious RBG” campaign, honoring the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
But Frank’s reach extends beyond the silver screen. A recipient of the Bank of America Neighborhood Builders Social Equality Award, he has directed a $200,000 grant to The Center for Asian American Media, empowering future Asian American storytellers. His thought leadership in social justice has led to collaborations with partners such as Senator Elizabeth Warren and Planned Parenthood.
His early career began with a stint on the Obama Media Team in 2008, setting the stage for over a decade of impactful storytelling. Frank continues to challenge and redefine the American narrative with his films and partnerships, focusing on themes of justice, equality, and inclusion. His commitment to breaking barriers and creating opportunities has made him a key player in advancing social equality.