American politicians face intense pressure from constituents, lobbyists, and fellow party members to espouse certain ideas and vote a certain way. When an elected official follows his conscience, the backlash can be intense, as former United States congressman Chris Jacobs learned firsthand last year. A Republican representative, elected to oversee New York’s 27th Congressional District, which includes the city of Buffalo. Jacobs initially had a close relationship with the rest of the Republican party, as well as the National Rifle Association (NRA). When he ran for office in 2020, the NRA endorsed him, and he said he was proud to receive it.
That all changed in May 2022, after two high-profile mass shootings in Buffalo. Jacobs bucked the norms of the Republican party, stating that he now supported an assault weapons ban, as well as a higher minimum age for gun ownership. One month later, he suspended his reelection campaign, and hasn’t been back in the political arena since then. Instead, he has dedicated his energy to revitalizing Buffalo, particularly by focusing on its emergent tech sector. With his background in real estate, Jacobs has set his sights on Buffalo’s up-and-coming downtown area, hoping to make it a place where innovative startups can flourish.